all right

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


all right

  1. tyydyttävä, kunnossa, oikein, sopiva, hieno, hyvä, ok, okei, hyvässä kunnossa oleva, puhekielen ilmaus, arkikielen ilmaus, selvä, sopivasti, tyydyttävästi, hyvä on, ihan hyvin, mukavasti.

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sopivasti, tyydyttävästi


varmasti good Good; in acceptable, if not excellent condition.


In good health, unharmed.
1903, William Brodie, ‎Carl Jungk, ‎Francis Edward Stewart, The Therapeutic Gazette (page 536)
The dread of most etherizers is a quiet breather who may stop breathing without his notice, and requires the almost constant presence of his ear at the patient's mouth to be sure he or she is all right.
fairly well

That went all right, I suppose.

puhekieltä Most certainly; for sure.

You taught them a lesson all right! They wont be back.''


All right, lets go then.''

All right! They scored!

All right, so what you suggest we do next?

All right, lets get started.''

All right, already! Let me finish what I was doing first, and then we can talk.

puhekieltä (n-g)

All right, mate, how are things with you and the missus?

all right


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